| ECFA Detector Panel

DRD Managers Forum

ECFA Detector Panel

DRD Managers Forum

The DRD Collaborations Managers Forum is an informal body set up by the ECFA Detector Panel to provide a forum for communications and discussions of common issues among DRD Collaborations. It also provides a useful two-way interface with the EDP and, through the EDP, with other ECFA panels and related committees.  It is not intended to provide a formal conduit between the DRD Collaborations and CERN management as this is addressed through the Open and Closed meetings of the Detector R&D Committee (DRDC).

The Mandate of the DRD Managers Forum can be found here: DRD Managers Forum Mandate (PDF, 90KB).

Current members of the Forum are:

DRD1 Eraldo Oliveri Maxim Titov
DRD2 Roxanne Guenette Giuliana Fiorillo
DRD3 Gregor Kramberger Giulio Pellegrini
DRD4 Massimiliano Fiorini Guy Wilkinson
DRD5 Marcel Demarteau Michael Doser
DRD6 Roman Poeschl Roberto Ferrari
DRD7 Fracois Vasey Frank Simon
DRD8 Burkhard Schmidt Andreas Mussgiller


A link to the Indico agenda of the forum is found here.